Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Well, well, what do we have here . . .
I'm back.
If you hadn't noticed, I was gone awhile. My last post was 18 days before this happened . . .

And my world was rocked. And I love this guy to bits.
And a few other things happened, and 6 months flew by . . .

And now I have a busy, mobile 8 month old with two teeth and the best belly laugh you've ever heard.
 I've always known motherhood wasn't for wimps, but this is no joke. My mind is blown, and I am learning constantly. Sometimes I'm learning lessons I thought I already nailed, like . . . .

"The perfect is the enemy of the good."   --Voltaire

You would think a classical singer/social worker would have figured out by now that perfectionism is not terribly productive. But old habits die hard . . . so this mama reignited her neurotic pursuit of complete mastery of all things.

Not. Helpful.

When your husband takes all of your baby books and locks them on a high shelf . . . and you're only 5 feet tall . . . you better come up with another plan.

Time to reconnect with the core of me and get to know the new me. Time to take care of body, mind, and spirit, and time to tune in to that famous mother's intuition.

One simple way to do some of this is blogging again--here and with our Russian friends, of course. And when I saw my dear friend Nancy had reconnected with some lovely ladies from high school, Danielle and Michelle, it was a perfect (ugh, there it is again!) opportunity. They, along with Charlotte, have challenged each other to blog together every Tuesday. Perfection not required. So, I'm in. Not this week, I couldn't pull it off, but that's OK! (See what I did there?) My plan is to get a quick post up at least every Tuesday, in whatever form it comes.

So, I'll be blogging our shared Together on Tuesday topics from a Just Living perspective . . . social justice and the like. I'm also thinking about Just Living in a new way, with my little one here. Just Living . . . as in simply living . . . as in making space for my child to soak all the joy out of life while making the world a better place. As in wondering how to preserve the sanctity of childhood in this crazy world. As in learning how to simply breathe and accept that while we can change our worlds in many ways, there are some times you just have to trust everything will be OK.

So, I'm back to blogging, and I'm on my way back to just living. Glad you're along for the ride. :)


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